

A Fleet Manager’s Guide to Getting Maximum Remarketing Value

When purchasing assets, fleet managers tend to take a well-planned approach. And for good reason: The right mix of features, and the right buying or leasing strategy, can unlock significant value. That value extends well beyond the purchase or lease price alone; it also impacts the total cost of ownership (TCO) over the entire life of a vehicle. 

Not surprisingly, vehicle acquisition is typically viewed as a customized, strategic decision. But what about when it’s time to remarket an asset? Here’s where even the most savvy fleet managers tend to take the “one size fits all” approach. By doing so, fleets leave money on the table every time they sell an asset. We don’t have to tell you how that quickly adds up, even for small fleets. 

If your remarketing plan revolves solely around national auctions or dealer trade-ins, then it’s time to up your remarketing game. Keep reading to discover how the Onward way helps fleets increase their remarketing values by up to 25%. 

Remarketing the Easy Way

Sometimes, the simple, “one size fits all” solution is best. Unfortunately, that’s not the case with remarketing. Through our decades in fleet management, we’ve seen too many teams take the easy route and lose out on value as a result. Often, this is due to low internal bandwidth or a fleet partner that’s satisfied with doing the minimal amount required. As former in-house fleet managers, we’ve been in your shoes and can relate to these dynamics. But we also know you deserve more.

What is the “easy way?” It typically boils down to selling to the wrong buyer, at the wrong stage in the vehicle’s lifecycle, at the wrong price — and thinking that you have to settle for this reality. Here’s how this typically plays out for fleets: 

  • Sell to the wrong buyer: Selling the vehicle to a friend or a national auction, or opting for a dealer trade-in when you’re ready to purchase a new asset.
  • Sell at the wrong time: Determining the end of an asset’s life based on emotion, not data and market dynamics.
  • Settle for the wrong price: Selling the vehicle for little-to-no value and being okay with that, regardless of what an asset is actually worth.
  • Rise and repeat: Applying this same approach for every asset so that you lose out on value not just once, but every time you sell a vehicle. 

If this scenario sounds familiar, you’re in the same boat as many fleets. You know that sale prices matter, but you don’t have the bandwidth or support needed to tailor your remarketing approach to the market. Luckily, the right partner can help you customize your strategy so that you maximize your payout without adding more to your already-full plate.

Remarketing the Onward Way

At Onward, we take a clear stance on remarketing: Every asset has value, regardless of condition, and a data-driven strategy will help you maximize your sale price. Unlike fleet solution providers who take the “easy way,” we take the time needed to develop customized, value-driven remarketing plans.

Your asset’s value isn’t static; it’s a moving target that depends upon numerous factors, including but not limited to current values, manufacturer make and model, mileage and market conditions. Our experts leverage these data points and more to determine:

  • Optimal asset lifecycle: We identify the right time for remarketing based on your operation’s objectives and robust, comprehensive data. 
  • Optimal price: We use data to determine the true value of each asset and help our customers get the price they deserve. 
  • Optimal buyer: We scour all available avenues for sales to determine which will deliver the best price. (Hint: it’s rarely a national auction.) 
  • Optimal strategy: We optimize our strategy to ensure our customers continue maximizing remarketing values as the market and their operations evolve.

How does the Onward way translate to value for your fleet? On average, our customized strategies help our clients reap significantly higher remarketing values. This includes:

  • 15% to 25% higher sale prices than dealership trade-ins.
  • 8% to 20% higher sale prices than Carmax and Carvana trade-ins.

Along with that significant value, Onward customers also get a partner with their best interest at heart. We never take the “easy way;” we take the route that maximizes your value. That’s the Onward way.

Go Onward Today

When you’re busy managing a fleet, every minute is critical — especially in an era where you’re dealing with more data than ever before. It can be daunting to hear that you need to customize your remarketing strategy when it had previously been on autopilot. However, the right partner can ensure that your remarketing strategy delivers measurable value, not significant headaches. 

Are you ready to increase your sale prices by up to 25% over dealer trade-ins and 20% over Carmax? Let’s talk about your remarketing approach and how the Onward way can help you maximize every asset sale.